Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Guns & Coffee: Mossberg HerpDerp SPX


Guns & Coffee: Mossberg HerpDerp SPX: I mean levergun SPX... Let's put it this way; I like the handguard, I can see the usefulness of rails on any rifle.  Personally, I don't want them on my lever rifles, but hey. On the other hand, the rest of your gun looks like you drug it through the Tapco booth with a shit magnet on the ass-end. Stop it.


  1. HOW DARE YOU MAKE FUN OF MY NEXT GUN!!!! Lol it is ugly as sin but I want it. Might have to wait for the zombie one.

  2. Loose the muzzle break and add a nice standard synthetic stock and you'd have a nice rifle, I'm sure that Suarez Intl guy in CA will love this thing...
