Sunday, September 16, 2012

Waterloo, IA- BHPC IDPA Match 9-29-12


Our September IDPA match will be held on Saturday the 29th, this is not our typical match date so please mark your calendars accordingly.

We have seven stages planned with a minimum round count of 81. This is going to be an interesting match. We'll be doing a stage based on this robbery attempt and a "drop gun" stage where the shooter will be starting with a snub-nose revolver as a back up gun. On top of that we'll be shooting Ken Hackathorn's Three-Second Head Shot Standards and several other stages.

I am pleased to announce that we are now an official IDPA affiliated club and are now listed on the IDPA website.

We are planning a Halloween themed match for October, the BHPC MONSTER MASH-UP!!!  not just your typical "Zombie match", plan on staking Vampires, mowing down a three headed monster and all kinds of other ghoulish stuff, and yes there will be some zombies that need killin'

This is not an IDPA match and we are inviting all our USPSA shooters to bring the open guns, limited guns and what have ya'. In order to keep things a little more even, we will stick to a 10rd limit and only two mags on the belt. Expect more information on this match near the end of September.

Times for the September Match (9-29-12) are as follows:
Match times are as follows:
Setup: 07:00/07:30
Sign in: 08:30
New shooter orientation: 09:00
Safety brief - stage walk through: 09:30
Shooting starts: 10:00

If you can come out for set-up we'd appreciate the help. I will be following up with CVPR to see if it is possible to get some set up done Friday evening.

Also, as we are now IDPA affiliated, we plan on holding the classifier for our November match and will probably have a steel side match to liven things up a bit. Pending on weather, November will probably be our last shoot for the 2012 IDPA season.

Be sure to "Like" us on Facebook and check out the BHPC Section of the Illinois/Iowa Practical Shooters Forum

Hope to see you at the remaining matches!



Friday, September 14, 2012

I've Decided on the .308

Over the last year + I've been shopping around for a .308 / 7.62X51 rifle, I really really wanted an AR10 built in similar fashion to my Noveske is set up, but by lo and behold after putting together my final build sheet of parts / features etc. I was up to around $1800 to re-equip a DPMS or Armalite AR10A. $3500 if I wanted someone to build the gun from scratch with a better barrel and trigger group. After seeing the writing on the wall I'm just going to start the ball rolling on acquiring a SCAR-17S, the few items I'll want to add I can do over time.

I really hate it when...

I'm trying to research a gun and all I get are a bunch of nit-wits talking about Call of Duty.