Our winter bulleye league let out a month or two ago, I didn't really keep up with updates but I finished with a 511 average and ended up with a NRA Sharp Shooters badge and nine bars, not bad for a first time bullseye shooter, but I don't know if I'm going to stick with it it. I think my time would be better spent either reloading for IDPA/USPSA or just working from the holster in the basement with the snap caps and improve my mag changes. If I needed another reason not to do it next year, my wife was sworn into the USMC Reserves yesterday and will be shipping to Recruit Training on Oct 12th this year (Go get 'em honey! GET SOME!) and I wouldn't feel right leaving my son in day care longer than needed to go plink with the .22.
I think that with the money I would have spent on a new bullseye gun, better optic, and probably a new spotting scope would be better used on a Dillon given my grievances with my Lee (No, I haven't replaced it yet, but the time is drawing near), the local "major" sporting goods stores, Scheels is now carrying Dillon presses in stock and I'm just running out of reasons to get one.
On a side note, I mailed in my application to the Illinois State IDPA Championship that is to the held in July, a couple of us from the club will be traveling out and will hopefully make a good run at things. In the mean time I think I'm going to get the Baer outfitted with some new Heinie sights and maybe an ambi-safety.